Wednesday, December 8, 2010

If J and I were on a game show...

We would completely dominate. Let me break this down for you.

Objective: Get donuts.

-J will take the Tube to a place he has no geographical knowledge of.
-I will sit at home on the computer, Google maps at the ready
-He will tell me hat he's looking at and I will find it on the map, then give him the direction to go in, based solely on sights (because London doesn't really believe in street signs).
-I will have to adjust for wrong turns and for things not on the map.
-The mission must be completed in 10 minutes as that's when the store closes.
-J's phone will run out of minutes. Communicate solely through text.
-Try to navigate him in the dark, when most of these places are closed and don't have illuminated signs.

Can we do it?

Yes. We did. It may have been incredibly stressful but I feel like we can now compete successfully on those couple game shows and maybe for a bigger prize ($$$) ;)

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